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Meeting – Tuesday, April, 26, 2011
Chair – Mary Lambert
Draft Minutes
Present: Marcia Lambert, Sara Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis Maryanne Piechocki, Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.  

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M.        

Review of Minutes of Meeting of March 15, 2011.  The minutes were approved as written.

1.  Clean Salem Green Salem –  a schedule for assembling various packets of information was established.   Fliers have been created and distributed to schools.   Committee members reported on the informational contacts they have made with various organizations.  Ellen reported on the various activities that will take place on the Common.

2.  Plant Sale Update – discussion focused on methods by which the event could be advertised.  Special attention was paid to providing adequate notice of the location of the Plant Sale this year.  The date is to be Saturday, May 21st with hours from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The location is the space behind the Old  City Hall that is bordered by Front Street. The rain date will be on Sunday, May 22nd.  In the case of rain, the event will be held on the Salem Common from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.   Plants will be provided by Flowers by Darlene plus contributions from Committee members and other local gardeners.   There will be a raffle of some five items including an herb planted window box created by Maryanne Piechocki.  There will also be other plant and gardening demonstrations plus displays of interest provided by  various businesses and individuals.  

3.  Traffic Island Update -  Sandi Power reported that the Memos of Understanding are coming in.  Concerns about some unsponsored islands were raised.  Potential solutions were discussed.

4.  Lady of Salem Update – Mary Ellen Halliwell reported that one business has its figurehead.  The Heritage Days roll out is on schedule.  The subcommittee is working with the Mayor’s office on a plan to send an eblast out to commercial businesses providing information about the project and to extend an invitation to participate.

5.  Active Duty Service Island update – Marcia Lambert has spoken to Scott Thomson and described plans for the rehabilitation of an island in the downtown area that could be designated for the Active Duty Service tribute.

6. Where are we headed – Agenda item was tabled.

New Business
1.  Salem Cyberspace is interested in sponsoring a gardening project  for new  immigrants. The Committee is asked to find a space to plant the garden  and Home Depot is asked to provide a gardening training clinic.  The Committee will work on the request.

2.  Concern was expressed that the deteriorating bike that decorates the traffic island on North Street  appears to be abandoned.  A request to remove it will be made again.

3.  Interest was expressed in buying pens made of cardboard inscribed with the name of the Committee to be used as a Committee advertising tool.

4. The problem of the destruction of planted barrels at the M.B.T.A. station was addressed.  

A Motion to adjourn was offered and allowed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

        Respectfully submitted,
        Judith Wolfe
        Next Meeting: May 24, 20011
        Chairperson:   Marcia Lambert